Wednesday, June 26, 2013

How do you create an Offensive System

This has been a topic that I have been thinking a lot about lately.  You see posts on other blogs like and discussion boards like explaining different aspects of systems like air raid, flexbone triple option, or power I.  After learning about these systems and understanding the plays involved and philosophies behind them, I still wonder what makes them a System.  Is it the collection of plays or the philosophies or the total program.  Can a coach just learn the system and mirror their program to it and be successful?  Or is there something else involved for that coach installing these systems that is necessary?

In my opinion, I believe there has to be something else behind just mimicking the system that needs to be present.  If I were to learn everything there is about the air raid system from Mike Leach and mimic my program to his, could I put up the offensive production that his teams have?  I don't think so, because there are things that I just wouldn't learn with out having actually experienced them myself.  Things like play calling, or having your personnel in the correct position to take advantage of their skill set.  So then would my offense be considered a system until I acquire enough experience to learn the ins and outs of the system?

As a coach, offensive or defensive, I believe you have to have your own set of philosophies for your offense or defense.  For me my offensive system would be built around these core ideas.

Overall Offensive Scheme Philosophy
Be aggressive in all aspects running, passing, blocking, play calling
Keep Defenses off balance with formation and personnel
Use Tempo to create confusion for the defense

Run Game Philosophy
Confuse the End Man on the Line of Scrimmage
Always have a perimeter threat
Use formations to gain Leverage and blocking angles

Pass Game Philosophy
Use the quick game to keep defenses honest
Create big plays with play action
Attack perimeter with screens

Any plays or game planning I do has to fit with in these parameters.  Conceivably I could apply almost any current system to fit within this core belief.

I am interested in what core beliefs you use to build your offense around.  Thanks for reading I hope my first real post has posed some insightful, hopefully intelligent questions for you.  And if you have the answers please let me know, I am always looking to learn more.

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